These days, you will hear a lot of talk about “the employee experience”. From onboarding to daily work flow to potential employee exit, companies are working hard to ensure that they attract and retain top talent and provide an attractive workplace, meaningful work, positive company culture and supportive colleagues for their staff at all levels.
As a result, human resources departments are gathering a lot of data connected to the employee experience, although some aren’t really sure what to do with it. While some benefits of such information are quite clear, employee experience data can also be used in some ways that you might not expect. Some think there should be a standard approach to managing the employee experience and using the information provided by tracking data, but there is really no one-size-fits all approach. Some things to consider when collecting information :
Does it prompt a digital solution?
Sometimes, unique employee experiences or trends in employee experiences cry for an IT-meets-HR solution. Whether managing requests for time off or utilizing a system to log employee feedback or receive company updates, an app or other digital solution might be one of the best, new ways for you to improve the overall processes at your organization.
Does it encourage feedback-based action?
Engagement surveys are nothing new, but have you considered looking at different ways to obtain information and feedback? Collected data can lead to valuable changes and meaningful actions within your organization. Tracking and evaluating employee experience in your company will provide incredibly accurate feedback regarding employee satisfaction, areas that can be improved and other valuable insights.
Does it reroute the employee journey?
Employee experience can not only determine and define and employee’s journey through your organization, it can also impact that employee’s interaction with others (which ultimately impacts their employee experience as well.) Do you seek to improve your employees’ individual work life as well as their interactions with each other? Take a closer look to see if role changes, responsibility modifications or other actions are prompted by a detailed examination of employee feedback.
No matter what you are seeking to accomplish by tracking your employee’s overall experience at your organization, there are many valuable lessons to be learned by tracking data, monitoring human interactions and simply listening carefully. Over time, your employee’s experiences within your organization will have an impact on your overall corporate culture, and will shape how you do business and how you interact internally and externally.
Observing employee experience can help you craft solutions to problems and challenges that your employees face. Noticing human interactions can show you what works and what does not, and it may show you why you are attracting certain talent and losing others. It may also bring to light issues that you were not aware of. It takes time and effort to monitor and analyze employee experience within any organization. And it usually takes a team with a variety of skills, not just a sole employee trying to track and manage everything. But the results are too valuable to ignore.
Do you need help managing the employee experience and making good use of gathered data for your organization? Contact the experts at Wild Coffee HR today. We love partnering with companies to help them thrive. It’s what we do.