Our Café Americano just got an extra shot of espresso with the addition of marketing guru Lindsey McFadden – the newest member of our Wild Coffee crop.
Nearly seven months ago, after the birth of her first child, McFadden knew she was ready for a change of pace, and not the slowing down kind.
As an experienced marketing account manager, McFadden said she was craving an opportunity where she can make a more direct impact with clients – working alongside clientele in addition to managing high-level projects.
“At Wild Coffee, I have a real role in shaping things for the company, for clients and for decisions moving forward” said McFadden, who has a Bachelor’s degree in Marketing and an MBA in Hospital Management. “It’s nice to feel like I have a seat at the table.”
Not one to shy away from a challenge, McFadden hit the ground running – setting to work right away with familiarizing herself with clients, strategy planning for the big picture and setting marketing tactics into action.
“What I love about Wild Coffee is that everybody is a doer,” said McFadden. “Nobody is above any task. It’s really great teamwork of executing and getting things done. The amount of work that gets churned out is remarkable.”
McFadden said the Wild Coffee way, which utilizes remote employees from around the state of Florida and beyond, is the future of marketing consulting.
“This is the way that agencies will have to switch in order to operate successfully,” said McFadden. “Wild Coffee embraces the idea of really responsive and remote environments over sitting behind a desk from 9 to 5 with no windows.”
Additionally, McFadden said she is excited about Wild Coffee’s more holistic approach to high-level strategy, such as mapping an entire customer’s journey, identifying the overall goals and using that data to expand into new territories and new ideas.
“It’s nice to be involved in the circle of things, to learn and understand what’s happening,” she said.
From all of us at Wild Coffee, welcome to the team, Lindsey!