The jig is up: consumers are now hip to the true measurement of their value! Gasp! In all seriousness, if you have not been backpacking through Costa Rican rainforests or safariing through Africa for the past decade, this is not a shocking development for you. In fact, you probably have been scheduling weekly brainstorming sessions to figure out how to deal with this new age of empowered consumers.
If this issomehow new to you, welcome to the age of social media – where a single complaint can cost businesses boatloads of cash, an online review can take a restaurant from rad to trash and feedback is converted into videotaped burnings of any number of flammable items.
Because the power dynamics of the relationship between consumers and companies have shifted, so must marketers’ approach to attract and retain them. Here are three strategies marketers should use to attract and retain consumer attention.
- It’s time to get personal
This may be the most simple and obvious strategy, but you would be surprised to see how many companies tend to bypass this element of consumer attraction and retention. Today’s empowered consumer demands companies find a way to be personal and connect with them on a human level.
Instead of shouting your message at everyone, sharpen your focus on your ideal audience, figure out what they need and speak directly to them. By continuously reaching out to customers for feedback and insight, companies can offer a personal and tailored experience to consumers who have unlimited options in today’s over-stacked environment.
- Provide personalized experiences
Once you get to know your customer as individuals, now you can offer them personalized experiences. Consumers thrive on feeling special and heard. They want original and exclusive products seemingly tailored just for them. You may not have the bandwidth to offer them the chance to build their own shoe like Converse and Nike does. However, something as simple as a seasonal or special edition monogrammed product can boost your retention levels through the roof.
- Upgrade your loyalty program
Have you ever noticed the blue check marks on Twitter and Instagram accounts? Believe it or not, in today’s super, clout-chasing world, these verification marks are more prestigious than an Ivy League degree. Not only do consumers want to be rewarded for their loyalty, they want to be granted status for their unwavering commitment to your company offerings. When consumers receive an Elite status on Yelp or reach Diamond Medallion status with Delta, it encourages them to announce their position; consequently, promoting the type of friendly competition that keeps them coming back repeatedly.
At Wild Coffee Marketing, we understand that determining how to attract and retain customers can be a time-consuming mix of marketing savvy, brainstorming and business strategies. Contact us today to learn how we can help you attract and retain the consumers you want.